• Minimum Viable Responsive Design for a Good Mobile UX: The One CSS Trick that Gave my Website Mobile Usability

    Doing this small adjustment allowed me to create a good Mobile UX across all pages in my website.

    I was thrilled to see my website after the first time I deployed it to my own domain. It was fast, it had a good design, it was everything I hoped for... until I told my mom about it. Overwhelmed with curiosity, the first thing she did was to put me on the speaker (we were speaking on the phone) so that she can hear me and check out my website at the same time. Yes, with a cell phone. Her first impression was declaring her certainty that I would fix it. Mom was talking about the mobile usability, or lack thereof.

  • F2P Personal Website Stack: What I'm Using Here

    You won't need to pay for it until a sizeable traffic comes your way.

    Personal websites make you pretty cool in your circles as a non-professional. As a professional, it's the next step to take in your distinguished career. As a developer, it's a must-have and it's the first thing to get, if being considered seriously as a developer sounds like a good thing. Me? I'm not the best example. I've been going around as a developer with no personal website for 7+ years, until I opened my website. The aim of this post is to give you a direction towards getting your own personal website up and running without swiping your credit card at every step (virtually of course) other than buying the domain.